Michał Jakubczyk

Michał Jakubczyk (currently employed with SGH as a professor at the Institute of Econometrics, Collegium of Economic Analysis) conducts scientific research primarily focused on the application of decision theory in health economics, i.e., his interest lies in measuring preferences connected with health, and medical technology decision support. His work focuses on researching the properties of available methods and proposing new approaches that include economic considerations more fully. In recent years, he has particularly dealt with methods of measuring preferences connected with very severe health conditions, the problem of interpersonal utility comparisons, and issues of modelling imprecise preferences.
Michał Jakubczyk was accepted into the EuroQol research group (www.euroqol.org) devoted to the issues of health measurement and health preference assessment, which has only approximately 120 members from around the world. His scientific and organizational engagement within the EuroQol group are what got dr hab. Michał Jakubczyk appointed as a member of the Executive Committee (body that manages the EuroQol group and deals with the group's scientific strategy) and elected chairperson of the Valuation Working Group, which is charged with the issue of measuring utility against health. Thanks to his experience in the area of modelling preferences connected with health, he was invited to work on a prestigious project on the development of a utility value set in the UK as a member of the Quality Control Team. Michał Jakubczyk is also a tenured member of the International Academy of Health Preference Research (with approximately 55 tenured members worldwide). He is also involved in the scientific development of SGH, for instance through his participation in the “Academic Partnership for Methods and Applications of Advanced Data Analytics” NAWA project wherein he is developing the scientific cooperation with the Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
The scientific engagement of Michał Jakubczyk is evident in his numerous (and widely cited) scientific publications, prepared either independently or in cooperation, also international. The Scopus database has 59 indexed publications of Michał Jakubczyk, with a total of 1,003 citations and a Hirsch index of 15. According to the Google Scholar database, the total number of citations is 1,666, and the Hirsch index is 18.
In recent years, Michał Jakubczyk has received several awards for his scientific and teaching work: the 2023 Third-Degree Team Award of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics for his scientific achievement (co-authorship of the monograph “Modeling Decision Trees with SilverDecisions”, SGH Publishing House); the 2022 Individual First-Degree Award of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics for outstanding achievements representing the high quality of the School's scientific activity; the 2022 Second-Degree Team Award of the Rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics for his teaching achievement (co-authorship of the textbook “Decision Modelling in Spreadsheet”); the 2022 honourable mention for the participation in the competition for the best conference presentation at the 2022 national conference: Methods and Applications of Operational Research (paper: “Health worse than death? Investigating the impact of how questions are phrased”); the 2020 honourable mention in the Ranking of Best Lecturers, 7th MBA-SGH Edition.
The funding for his research projects is obtained from domestic or international sources. The following include some of the projects he has successfully completed in recent years: “Methods of decision analysis in multi-criteria decision problems and of estimating the willingness-to-pay/to-accept using fuzzy modelling” under the OPUS programme financed by NCN (amount of financial support: PLN 195,460); “Making both ends neat: exploring the effects of modifying the TTO protocol on non-trading and all-in trading” financed the by EuroQol Research Foundation (amount of financial support: EUR 83,200); “Interpersonal utility comparisons taboo & value sets” financed the EuroQol Research Foundation (amount of financial support: EUR 19,400).