§ 1

  1. These Rules and Regulations set forth the rules and procedure for awarding the “SGH Leader” alumni award.
  2. It is a continuation of the SGH's initiative in 2020 and 2021, when the award was called the “SGH Leaders”. 
  3. The competition is organised by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, hereinafter referred to as “SGH.” 
  4. The award is given out every year.
  5. Laureates receive a commemorative statuette.  Laureates’ forenames and surnames are announced to the public.
  6. The laureates are announced, and statuettes are handed out, during the SGH Feast or other academic ceremony. 
  7. The framework schedule for the given edition is set out by the Rector and published on the award’s website.

§ 2

  1. The award is given in the following categories: 
    1. International Alumni – for citizens of other countries or Polish citizens who moved abroad after graduation who are not tax residents of Poland; 
    2. Polish Alumni – for graduates not falling under Item 1. 
  2. For each category referred to in Section 1, the award is granted in the fields of Science, Business, and Society.
  3. The achievements that serve as the basis for assessment are specified under Sections 4-6 and may date back four years before the submissions deadline. 
  4. The following achievements are taken into account in the field of Science: 
    1. participation as a leader in projects or initiatives related to science or combining science with business practice;
    2. five selected academic publications,
    3. national and international prizes and distinctions     for activities in teaching and research;
    4. three selected and implemented research projects;
    5. a number of citations. 
      The number of citations is determined as at the submission deadline based on available bibliometric sources defining the achievements, such as ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, etc., the Hirsch index and other sources taking into account the specific nature of individual fields of science.
  5. The following achievements are taken into account in the field of Business: 
    1. results achieved when serving management or expert functions in companies or business organisations; 
    2. national and international prizes and distinctions received and original projects implemented; 
    3. involvement of the candidate or the candidate's enterprise in achieving sustainable development objectives through sustainable development/CSR efforts.
  6. The following achievements are taken into account in the field of Society:
    1. efforts in the role of social leader to improve the quality of life, provide equal opportunities, develop the civil society, etc.;
    2. national and international prizes and distinctions for efforts described above;
    3. original implemented innovative projects aimed at solving significant social, cultural, public and environmental challenges.
  7. The award may be received only once.

§ 3

  1. Candidates must be SGH graduates, i.e., persons who have obtained the professional title of licencjat or magister (bachelor or master), or the academic degree of doktor or doktor habilitowany (PhD or associate professor), holding either Polish or other citizenship. 
  2. The right to submit candidates for the title is the right of all members of the SGH community, i.e. employees, students, PhD students, and graduates of SGH. 
  3. If no candidates are submitted in a given category, the Jury may submit their suggestions after the deadline specified in the schedule for the given edition. 
  4. The submission should include the following: 
    1. Submitter’s forename and surname together with their role within the SGH community (employee, student, PhD student, graduate);
    2. Submitter’s contact details: e-mail address and telephone number; 
    3. Candidate's forename and surname;
    4. Candidate’s contact details: e-mail address and telephone number;
    5. Candidate's consent drafted in line with the model consent form found on the initiative's website;
    6. Candidate's statement of citizenship and tax residence (in line with the model available on the competition’s website) – for candidates in the International Graduates category;
    7. a designation of the category (Polish Alumni or International Alumni) and field (Business, Science, or Society) for which the Candidate is submitted;
    8.  reasons for submission including the list of achievements referred to in § 2(4)-(6), taking into account the timeframe referred to in § 2(3).
  5. Candidate submissions shall be made via the system available on the competition’s website ( within the deadline set out in the schedule of the given edition.

§ 4

  1. The award is given out by the Jury sitting in the following panel:
    1. Rector - Chairman 
    2. Vice-Rector for Development  
    3. Vice-Rector for International Relations
    4. Vice-Rector for Research
    5. Chancellor
    6. Representative of the SGH Partners Club
    7. Director of the SGH Career and Alumni Centre – Secretary
  2. Each member of the Jury gives each candidate from zero to ten points for each type of achievement in a given field.
  3. The winner in the given field is the person who receives the most points.
  4. If there is a tie, the laureate is chosen by the Chairman of the Jury. The Jury may decide to give the award to multiple people of the same field and category.
  5. If no candidate receives at least 60% of the maximum score in the given field, the Jury reserves the right not to grant the award - in one or multiple fields. 
  6. Members of the Jury shall keep secret all confidential information obtained in relation to their works in the Jury. 

§ 5

The Jury's decision is final and non-appealable.